Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: System for conversion of optical frequencies of telecommunication band to radio frequency domain (Frequency Comb System)

Document information

Title: Annex 4 of the Tender documentation
Reference number in the filing service VZ-2024-009
Description: Checklist of technical requirements for the Equipment
Document published on Profile: 20.08.2024 08:57:48

Actual file version

File name: Dokument MS Word 04_Annex-4_Checklist_technical -requirements_CESNET_frequency -comb_EN_16-08-2024.docx
Size: 17.97 KiB
Actual file version: 17.08.2024 23:12:20
MD5 hash: 3b5e72d40a054dfe47e94e14af034ec9
SHA256 hash: 7b93315f9711e6c6ccb0ac35065f34b337aa37b97745682b1f0e7a8e4f2b3821

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 17.08.2024 23:12:20 Annex 4 of the Tender documentation Checklist of technical requirements for the Equipment procurement documents - 04_Annex-4_Checklist _technical-requireme nts_CESNET_frequency -comb_EN_16-08-2024. docx 17.97 KiB