Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: Ultrastable optical cavity for increasing the coherence of intercity photonic link transmission lasers

Document information

Title: Annex 3 of the Tender documentation
Reference number in the filing service VZ-2024-010
Description: Draft of affidavit of subcontractor (on international sanctions)
Document published on Profile: 12.08.2024 07:23:32

Actual file version

File name: Dokument MS Word 03_Annex-3_draft-affidavit-sub contractor_CESNET_ultrastable- optical-cavity_EN_07-08-2024.d ocx
Size: 26.06 KiB
Actual file version: 08.08.2024 14:49:52
MD5 hash: 2f113a9592aca7b1c41277d18c0c84d0
SHA256 hash: 44fc5269a83f31fa2fc0de2e08a919ef140405a6dc6feb1faef5fea76a413c05

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 08.08.2024 14:49:52 Annex 3 of the Tender documentation Draft of affidavit of subcontractor (on international sanctions) procurement documents - 03_Annex-3_draft-aff idavit-subcontractor _CESNET_ultrastable- optical-cavity_EN_07 -08-2024.docx 26.06 KiB