Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: Ultrastable optical cavity for increasing the coherence of intercity photonic link transmission lasers

Document information

Title: Annex 1 of the Tender documentation
Reference number in the filing service VZ-2024-010
Description: Draft cover sheet of the bid
Document published on Profile: 12.08.2024 07:23:32

Actual file version

File name: Dokument MS Word 01_Annex-1_cover-sheet_CESNET_ ultrastable-optical-cavity_EN_ 07-08-2024.docx
Size: 29.10 KiB
Actual file version: 08.08.2024 14:48:01
MD5 hash: 122c0f3321e2bf93a54b90fe88c30573
SHA256 hash: 45cf97b6b32003adb89203f5c54e2ebd0275079df0457c0919df9db8bbd41e8b

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 08.08.2024 14:48:01 Annex 1 of the Tender documentation Draft cover sheet of the bid procurement documents - 01_Annex-1_cover-she et_CESNET_ultrastabl e-optical-cavity_EN_ 07-08-2024.docx 29.10 KiB