Přijatá zpráva - vysvětlení, doplnění, změna dokumentace

Zadávací řízení CESNET - Delivery of complete quantum key distribution (QKD) system and related services
Odesílatel Vojtěch Široký
Organizace odesílatele CESNET, zájmové sdružení právnických osob [IČO: 63839172]
Příjemce Všichni (včetně veřejnosti)
Datum 12.06.2024 16:13:02
Předmět Explanation of the tender documentation

Dear suppliers,
today the contracting authority has received following questions to the tender documentation. The contracting authority publishes the answers to these questions - explanations of the tender documentation:

Question 1): The tender document mentions in many place reference to the 'Act' what is this please? is it possible to get copy?
Answer: the abreviation "Act" means Act No. 134/2016 Coll., on public procurement, as amended (Czech Republic), see also the first page of the tender documentation.
The contracting authority is not able to provide suppliers with an official translation of the Act into English; an informative translation can be found, for example, at https://portal-vz.cz/info-forum-vzdelavani/aktuality/informace-k-prekladum-noveho-zakona-o-zadavani-verejnych-zakazek-a-sou/.
Suppliers may also use online or offline translators (e.g. DeepL, Google translator, etc.) or the services of relevant translation companies or companies with knowledge of the Czech legal system.
However, the contracting authority states that all necessary information, requirements, instructions, etc. for the preparation and submission of the bid should be provided directly in the tender documentation, including the annexes.

Question 2) Also what form / format would you like the tender response to be, in addition to the filling in the Appendices.
Answer: The form/format of the "tender response" is described in the tender documents, in particular (but not limited to) Sections 10. and 7.